C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
Lifestyle coaching is about teaching you how to apply some fundamental knowledge about how the human body is designed to function. It’s about getting back to working with your body and looking at the things we all assume are working properly.
Understandably, most don’t appreciate the true health implications of their diet & lifestyle, because most disease processes take about 15 – 20 years to express themselves, making symptoms often appear unrelated to diet & lifestyle along the way (“it’s genetics”, “I’m at that age”).
Here you can see some common symptoms as they progress with long term stress, poor diet & lifestyle (over months and years):

It may interest you to know that genetics have been shown through scientific research, to only be responsible for up to 5% of all diseases. The other 95% is expressed through epigenetics (environmental factors) – Diet & lifestyle, which you have control over!
Peter’s focus is on teaching you the key fundamentals of nutrition & lifestyle, which have stood the test of time. Once learnt, you will then be guided towards attaining your ideal bodyweight & health, then maintaining this long term.
You'll begin with an assessment to identify the order in which you require coaching, for your individual needs.
This will help you take control of the factors influencing you at a core level. You’ll learn how to design your lifestyle to give your body what it needs; so you can do what you enjoy, stay healthy, and maintain optimised energy levels, vitality, sleep quality, health & weight.
Peter’s clinic is located at Edgecliff Court, Suite 4, 2 New McLean St, Edgecliff (by Edgecliff train station), Sydney.